Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient for the human body because it can ensure the healthy growth of red blood cells (RBC) and the development of DNA. "It is a water-soluble vitamin that, together w...
Damo Environment Conducted a series of special lectures on safety education and organized learning guidelines for all employees, Intuitive and vivid explanations were given to all employees through...
What is cimetidine, and what is it used for?
Cimetidine is a drug that blocks the production of acid by acid-producing cells in the stomach and can be administered orally, IM or IV.
Cimetidine ...
For two decades, albendazole has been donated to a large-scale program for the treatment of lymphatic filariasis. An updated Cochrane review examined the efficacy of albendazole in lymphatic filari...
A Danish study showed that for patients with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), amoxicillin alone has better results than amoxicillin combined with another antibio...
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